
Basic Shrub Trimming

Basic Shrub Trimming

If those shrubs in the front of your house seem to be getting a bit too big for you, it might be time for a trim. If when you are trimming you leave giant holes in your bushes, this is the blog for you.

-Most people say that you should trim anywhere from late spring to early summer. This is when the new growth has pretty much maxed out and you can think about trimming it down. You’ll be able to tell that it’s new growth because it will be a bright green.

-Before trimming, make sure that the blades on your trimmer are sharp. This will cut down on the time it takes you as well as limiting damage to the shrub. Make sure you also wear gloves to avoid getting blisters and from the shrubs ability to cut you.

-When cutting a mature shrub, it’s recommended that you cut all of the new bright green growth but leave it if it is in the interior of the shrub. This will keep it looking fuller and will keep the shrub from having holes in the sides. For younger shrubs that you want to grow, you should cut about half of what you would from a mature shrub.
